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Machine Sewn Drawings

Jalyn Young designs structures which reveal their own making.

Textiles are interwoven and layered in patterns using various methodical processes. The resulting tapestries bear the entirety of their history on their surfaces. Every choice and action is visible. Young seeks security in this transparency, in structures which are intrinsically truthful. Equally, the work reveals its potential to be unmade. Ends of threads are purposefully left unknotted, fibres are not fixed. Each work exposes its own undoing. It is capable of unravelling, of becoming subject to new forces and functions.

The greater structure of living emerges in Young’s process. All materials are in a perpetual state of change, moving through time at various velocities. Delicate systems draw resolve from their impermanence, claiming a temporary place in life. Stability is sought out not in illusions of permanence, but in places where existence begins to come undone once again. Through a practice based in observations of her own reality, Young finds that the most powerful thing any structure can do is reveal its vulnerability.

(Soldovieri, 2019) 

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